It can happen that you don’t have access to Direcadmin’s GUI, but you have root access. I had this situation with one installation with very old OS on which the license was unable to update. So because of invalid license, control panel was not accessible. You can change email password from command line like this.
- Go to virtual directory where passwords are saved
myDA:~# cd /etc/virtual/
myDA:/etc/virtual/ - You can generate new crypted passowrd like bellow. “mynewpassword” is new password.
[root@server ~]# openssl passwd -1 -salt saltsalt mynewpassword
$1$saltsalt$XCrU04m/7D.n5Ami6FbHo/ -
Copy generated hash from previous step and change it inside /etc/virtual/
That’s it. You should be able to log in into the email account with a new password.
Found this here. Thank you very much!