Directadmin – building PHP 8.3 returns error: iconv does not support errno

I tried to install additional PHP version 8.3 and get this error:

directadmin checking if iconv supports errno… configure: error: iconv does not support errno

System is using old iconv version and Directadmin is not using its own libiconv anymore. You can use iconv version from /usr/local instead. Go to /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/configure/php/configure.php83 and add this line:

--with-iconv=/usr/lib \

Then install new PHP version and it should work:

[root@server custombuild]# ./build php_expert 8.3 php-fpm

Directadmin – server-<YOUR IP> was skipped due to unreachableDirectadmin

I just migrated Directadmin server to a new one. On the new one, there was some temporary hostname, that I guess Directadmin provides. It was http://server-<IP ADDRESS> I changed hostname of machine and did everything, but wasn’t able to generate Letsencrypt certificate for my directadmin server hostname. 

When try to generate certificate I was getting error below. I rewrite configs, run, did all sort of things, but wasn’t able to get pass this error:

[root@da scripts]# ./ request `hostname` 4096
Setting up certificate for a hostname: was skipped due to unreachable file.
No domains pointing to this server to generate the certificate for.

After an hour, I found this answer from gentleman named “zEitEr”. I guess, when I setup new Directadmin server on temporary IP, acme account for letsencrypt was created with directadmins temporary hostname – server-<MY IP ADDRESS> What I did, was removed all letsencrypt accounts and regenerated them:

[root@da ~]# rm -rf /usr/local/directadmin/data/.lego/*
[root@da scripts]# ./ request `hostname` 4096
Setting up certificate for a hostname:
2024/02/16 13:31:42 No key found for account admin@my.dahostname.comGenerating a 4096 key.
2024/02/16 13:31:45 Saved key to /usr/local/directadmin/data/.lego/accounts/
2024/02/16 13:31:45 [INFO] acme: Registering account for
!!!! HEADS UP !!!!

Your account credentials have been saved in your Let's Encrypt
configuration directory at "/usr/local/directadmin/data/.lego/accounts".

You should make a secure backup of this folder now. This
configuration directory will also contain certificates and
private keys obtained from Let's Encrypt so making regular
backups of this folder is ideal.
2024/02/16 13:31:45 [INFO] [] acme: Obtaining SAN certificate
2024/02/16 13:31:46 [INFO] [] AuthURL:
Certificate for has been created successfully!
DirectAdmin certificate has been setup.
Setting up cert for Exim...

Hope that helps to save some nerves. Thanks to zEitEr

Directadmin – build GeoIP2 in Directadmin’s NGINX and create country blocking for vhosts.

GeoIP is super helpful if you have troubles with a lot of nasty requests from some nasty countries :). Or, sometimes, you just want to lock some website or part of it ( administration ), so that it is accessible only from your country.

Things are a little different when you are using Directadmin control panel. I had this Directadmin with NGINX reverse proxy, so all NGINX is first point for requests made on your websites. Besides SSL offloading, you can also do filtering, country blocking … before request ends on backend ( Apache ).

So, here is how you can build GeoIP2 extension into your NGINX on Directadmin. I my case, I have Nginx as reverse proxy with Apache.

Check which NGINX version is installed on your server

[root@da nginx]# nginx -v
nginx version: nginx/1.23.1

Continue Reading

Change email password on Directadmin with CLI / command line

It can happen that you don’t have access to Direcadmin’s GUI, but you have root access. I had this situation with one installation with very old OS on which the license was unable to update. So because of invalid license, control panel was not accessible. You can change email password from command line like this.

  • Go to virtual directory where passwords are saved
    myDA:~# cd /etc/virtual/
  • You can generate new crypted passowrd like bellow. “mynewpassword” is new password.
    [root@server ~]# openssl passwd -1 -salt saltsalt mynewpassword
  • Copy generated hash from previous step and change it inside  /etc/virtual/

That’s it. You should be able to log in into the email account with a new password.

Found this here. Thank you very much!

Directadmin – x509: certificate signed by unknown authority – Letsencrypt

DST Root CA X3 expired on September 30, 2021. Because of this I got invalid certificate error when visiting Directadmin login in Chrome. Certificate itself was valid. CA certificate is problem. What you have to do is update system CA certificates. Also update letsencrypt via custombuild if you didn’t already.

Error was:

[root@server]# /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/ renew
Setting up certificate for a hostname:
2021/09/30 14:49:15 Could not create client: get directory at '': Get "": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Certificate generation failed.

You have to update system CA certificates ( Centos in this case ):

[root@server ~]# yum install ca-certificates -y
[root@server ~]# update-ca-trust

Then try to create new certificate for server hostname:

[root@server]# /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/ request_single 4096
Setting up certificate for a hostname:
2021/09/30 14:51:50 [INFO] [] acme: Obtaining SAN certificate
2021/09/30 14:51:51 [INFO] [] AuthURL:
2021/09/30 14:51:51 [INFO] [] acme: Could not find solver for: tls-alpn-01
2021/09/30 14:51:51 [INFO] [] acme: use http-01 solver
2021/09/30 14:51:51 [INFO] [] acme: Trying to solve HTTP-01
2021/09/30 14:51:57 [INFO] [] The server validated our request
2021/09/30 14:51:57 [INFO] [] acme: Validations succeeded; requesting certificates
2021/09/30 14:52:01 [INFO] [] Server responded with a certificate.
Certificate for has been created successfully!
DirectAdmin certificate has been setup.

Directadmin – ModSecurity: Request body (Content-Length) is larger than the configured limit (13107200)

I had problem with uploading files on Directadmin server with mod_security enabled. I set upload_max_filesize and post_max_size to 64M, and still recived error like this:

[Wed Aug 04 23:31:30.320425 1912] [:error] [pid 1418987:tid 140666332325632] [client] [client] ModSecurity: Request body (Content-Length) is larger than the configured limit (13107200). [hostname ""] [uri "/wp-admin/async-upload.php"] [unique_id "YQpCUpEZgUlp9rxIlbunrAAAnTQ"], referer:

I found out that this behavior is not caused by any mod_security rules (Free ModSecurity Rules from Comodo) but by directive SecRequestBodyLimit setting . Default value is 12.5M and since I set 64M for file uploads, I changed this value the same – in bytes.

File which you want to modify is /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-modsecurity.conf. In my case, I modifyed like this:

SecRequestBodyLimit 67108864
SecRequestBodyNoFilesLimit 1048576

Directadmin – Unrouteable address error on incoming mail

I had this stupid error the other day on Directadmin. I upgraded Exim to the latest version and then all mail sent to which was on this server was bounced with the error “Unrouteable address”. From the past, I knew that errors like this can be due to exceeded mail limit. But in this case, this was happening only for one mail out of 50 others, and no limits were reached.

After some searching, I found out that there was an alias pointing to the email address itself, which was causing this error. I removed the forwarder (alias) and incoming mail started to work again on this mailbox.

2021-05-09 20:53:28 H=([]) [] F=<> rejected RCPT <>: Unrouteable address

So I had mail forwarder like: ->

So when dealing with such an error, just remove the alias like described above.

Directadmin – install Drush locally – drush: command not found

This is how you can install Drush locally and make drush command localy on specific user.

  • First go to root directory of user and login with this user
    [root@da ~]# cd /home/mydrush/
    [root@da mydrush]# su mydrush
  • Install drush via composer
    [mydrush@da mydrush]$ composer require drush/drush
    Using version ^10.4 for drush/drush
    ./composer.json has been created
    Running composer update drush/drush
    Loading composer repositories with package information
    Updating dependencies
  • Create alias to drush for this user. Open file .bashrc and add line bellow to it and save. Then run source.
    # User specific environment and startup programs
    export PATH="$HOME/vendor/bin:$PATH"
    [mydrush@da mydrush]$ source .bashrc
  • This is it
    [mydrush@da mydrush]$ drush version
    Drush version : 10.4.3

Special thanks to Adrian

Directadmin – auto assign custom authorized_keys for newly created users – SSH access

I setup a Directadmin server which was primary for website hosting. Separating every project with new DirectAdmin user is a good practice security vise. If one website/project is hacked, other sites that are with different users are safe. But creating new users and then set up ssh keys that are allowed for every user can be time consumedly. In this case, ssh public keys were the same for every user as only developers were able to ssh connect to user account. I created a simple script that will create .ssh directory and authorized_keys with public keys for every user.

  • First, create script inside /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/custom/.
  • Create template file with all ssh  public keys that should be assign to every new user. I created file /usr/local/directadmin/data/custom-authorized_keys
  • Add this content to the script:

    mkdir /home/$username/.ssh
    chown $username:$username /home/$username/.ssh
    cp /usr/local/directadmin/data/custom-authorized_keys /home/$username/.ssh/authorized_keys
    chown $username:$username /home/$username/.ssh/authorized_keys
    chmod 600 /home/$username/.ssh/authorized_keys

    echo "SSH keys added!"

    exit 0;
  • Give this script execution rights
    chmod +x /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/custom/

That is it. Every time a new user is created, .ssh directory with authorized_keys will be created inside user’s home account.

Directadmin – get disk size information for every email account on your server/user

If you want to get information about how much of disk is consuming every email account on your Directadmin server, then you can use this command.

[root@post ~]# find /home/*/imap/*/*/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec du -sh {} \; | awk -F '/' {'print $6"@"$5 " -> " $1'} -> 60K -> 60K -> 529M -> 529M -> 772K

If you would want for every email account of some specific user, than you can use this:

[root@post ~]# find /home/user1/imap/*/*/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec du -sh {} \; | awk -F '/' {'print $6"@"$5 " -> " $1'} -> 1.3G -> 1.3G -> 68M

Simple, but it can save some time 🙂

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