How to clean Zimbra mail queue as root user

You may come across a problem when trying to clean Zimbra mail queue as Zimbra user as lack of privileges.

When trying to log in as Zimbra and run the command below, I came across a privilege’s problem as Zimbra user was unable to run postsuper command:

[zimbra@mailmachine root]$  mailq | tail -n +2 | awk 'BEGIN { RS = "" } / { print $1 }' | tr -d '*!' | postsuper -d -
postsuper: fatal: use of this command is reserved for the superuser

If you check mail queue as root user, you won’t see Zimbra messages. What you can do, is use binaries of Zimbra. Here is how I was able to clean mail queue with root user for Zimbra:

[root@mailmachine sbin]# /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/mailq | tail -n +2 | awk 'BEGIN { RS = "" } / { print $1 }' | tr -d '*!' | /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/postsuper -d -
postsuper: F22125044F450: removed
postsuper: F24D45044B05C: removed
postsuper: F31595048D7A0: removed
postsuper: F307B50478E75: removed
postsuper: F155F5049BCF0: removed
postsuper: F3A22504CAC00: removed
postsuper: F40E2504A3B49: removed

This will successfully clean Zimbra mail queue – messages from user You may have different paths to your mailq and postsuper. I noticed that on some installations, path is “/opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postsuper”.

cPanel – Roundcube error – “Error: Server Error(OK)”

One of the email accounts suddenly experienced trouble when searching in Roundcube. After a while, error occurred to user: “Error: Server Error(OK)”. At first, I thought it was a dovecot index problem, so I regenerated them, but the error was still there. Then I thought that may be IMAP server timeout, but it wasn’t a case, because it worked in mailboxes that were larger than this one.

Inside mail log I saw error below. But the mailbox wasn’t corrupted:

[01-Dec-2022 12:22:38 Earth/Universe] Unexpected condition from IMAP server, closed or corrupt connection to IMAP. Possible mailbox corruption.

This was an error inside Roundcube error log (“/home/username/logs/roundcube/errors”). This error didn’t seemed with issue that was experienced – search error, but cPanel support stated that is related to database corruption.

[01-Dec-2022 12:23:38 Earth/Universe]: <77d0888c> DB Error: [1] no such table: collected_addresses (SQL Query: SELECT * FROM "collected_addresses" WHERE "user_id" = '1' AND "type" = '2' AND ("email" LIKE '') ORDER BY "name" ASC, "email" ASC LIMIT 10) in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_db.php on line 566 (GET /cpsess4226161538/3rdparty/roundcube/index.php?_task=addressbook&_action=photo&

So, I tried to regenerate Roundcube database for this user (and backup old one first, of course):

[root@cpanel ~]# cd /home/username/etc/
[root@cpanel]# mv user.emailaddress.rcube.db user.emailaddress.rcube.db.backup

Then, just login into Roundcube again and, a new db file should be generated. This sorted out the issue with search functionality.

Migrate email accounts to different user account on the same cPanel server

Maybe you’ll want to merge two separate cPanel accounts on the same server, but you won’t be able to, because you can’t simply just delete domain from the first account, and you can’t add domain to the second account because it exists on the first one :).

You can migrate email and other user data simply, by creating backup of user account and delete it from cPanel. Below, I will show how to migrate just email. But you can also migrate websites like this.

  1. Make copy of primary user account (if websites, also make sure to dump databases of that user)
    root@cpanel [/home]# cp -rp useraccount1  useraccount1.bak
  2. Make copy of email aliases of primary account so they wont get lost after delete of primary account
    cp /etc/valiases/ /etc/valiases/
  3. Delete primary user account in cPanel – useraccount1 in our case
  4. Add domain of primary account to secondary account (useraccount2). Now you’ll be able to, because domain don’t exist on the system anymore.
  5. Copy settings from primary account from backup to secondary one (the one you added domain to) and set right permissions:
    root@cpanel [/home]# cp -rp /home/useraccount1.bak/etc/  /home/useraccount2/etc/
    chown -R useraccount2: /home/useraccount2/etc/
  6. Copy all email accounts to new account and set right permissions
     cp -rp /home/useraccount1.bak/mail/ /home/useraccount2/mail/
    chown useraccount2:mail /home/useraccount2/mail/
    chown -R useraccount2: /home/useraccount2/mail/*
  7. Recreate alliases
    cp /etc/valiases/  /etc/valiases/

That’s it. You should be able to see email accounts for in new cPanel account. All passwords should remain the same as before.

Change email password on Directadmin with CLI / command line

It can happen that you don’t have access to Direcadmin’s GUI, but you have root access. I had this situation with one installation with very old OS on which the license was unable to update. So because of invalid license, control panel was not accessible. You can change email password from command line like this.

  • Go to virtual directory where passwords are saved
    myDA:~# cd /etc/virtual/
  • You can generate new crypted passowrd like bellow. “mynewpassword” is new password.
    [root@server ~]# openssl passwd -1 -salt saltsalt mynewpassword
  • Copy generated hash from previous step and change it inside  /etc/virtual/

That’s it. You should be able to log in into the email account with a new password.

Found this here. Thank you very much!

Country block/allow with iptables and ipset

Here is a simple way to restrict access to your server from country’s that you don’t want to be able to connect to your services. On website you can find IP lists for specific country’s. With a simple script, you can regularly update those lists so that they are up-to-date with new addresses. In my case, I needed a way to allow some services only available from specific countries. You can also change logic a little bit and blocking only specific county. 

This will work on Linux server with installed iptables and ipset. Ipset will contain all addresses provided from 

First, if you don’t already have it, install ipset.

[root@server ~]# dnf install ipset

Then, you’ll need to create ipset array which will contain all addresses. 

ipset create allow_cc hash:net family inet hashsize 1024 maxelem 65536

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mysql_secure_installation: command not found

It’s always a good idea to do basic MySQL security measures after installing fresh version of MariaDB server. For this task, I always used “mysql_secure_installation” command, which was part of installation. Some time ago, I’ve got stucked when trying to do so on MariaDB version 10.7. After some searching around, I guess command was changed.

[root@server ~]# mysql_secure_installation
-bash: mysql_secure_installation: command not found

This is a correct way on newer MariaDB versions:

root@server ~]# mariadb-secure-installation
. . .


Find occurrences of the same string between two files with grep

I had this issue many times. Find the same occurrences of string between two different files so that you can pervent duplicates.

You should create foor loop that will take every line from file 1 and compare it to records in file 2.

for i in `file1.txt`; do grep -E "^$i\$" file2.txt; done

This will output only the exact strings that occurres in both files.

Letsencrypt/certbot fails when proxying with Apache ProxyPass

I had an issue on Directadmin server where client had nodejs application for which apache had to proxy on port 3001. Becouse of this, letsencrypt was not able to reach .well-known/acme-challenge/ and certificate registration/renewal failed. Solution is simple, you have to exclude proxy when requesting .well-known/acme-challenge/.

This was error whent trying to check .well-known/acme-challenge:

$ curl 
{"errors":[{"message":"Route /.well-known/test.txt doesn't exist.","extensions":{"code":"ROUTE_NOT_FOUND"}}]}%

So I added “ProxyPass !” directive just before where I create proxy directive to port 3001. Like so:

. . .
<Location /.well-known/acme-challenge>
   ProxyPass !

<Location />
Require all granted
. . . 

Then I was able tu make request to .well-known/acme-challenge sucsessfully:

> $ curl 
It works!

I hope this helps! 🙂

Dovecot fails to reload after upgrade / code=exited, status=226/NAMESPACE

If your Dovecot fails to reload/restart after upgrade, chances are that your kernel is too old. But you can try and fix this problem with simple step bellow.

This was in syslog log:

systemd[20406]: dovecot.service: Failed at step NAMESPACE spawning /usr/bin/doveadm: No such file or directory
dovecot.service: Control process exited, code=exited status=226
systemd[1]: Reload failed for Dovecot IMAP/POP3 email server.

This was Dovecot service status:

● dovecot.service - Dovecot IMAP/POP3 email server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/dovecot.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2021-09-07 19:31:12 CEST; 1 months 28 days ago
Docs: man:dovecot(1)
Process: 20406 ExecReload=/usr/bin/doveadm reload (code=exited, status=226/NAMESPACE)

To solve, you can try and edit dovecot service script and add coment to PrivateTmp variable.

root@mailmachine:~# vi /lib/systemd/system/dovecot.service

ExecReload=/usr/bin/doveadm reload
ExecStop=/usr/bin/doveadm stop
# Enable this if your systemd is new enough to support it:

SNI support for Dovecot and Postfix

If you are in position that you need multiple SSL certificates for different domains on single mail server, you can do it with SNI. Of corse, on very old versions this is not supported. Check documentation first, if its supported for your version of Dovecot and Postfix.


In case of incoming mailserver Dovecot it’s easy as listed bellow. I made file ssl-sni.conf in which I add SNI configurations for my domains. Then I included ssl-sni.conf in main dovecot config.

Create ssl-sni.conf and add your SNI definitions in it:

local_name {
ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/certs/domain1/fullchain.pem
ssl_key = </etc/ssl/certs/domain1/privkey.pem

local_name {
ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/certs/domain2/fullchain.pem
ssl_key = </etc/ssl/certs/domain2/privkey.pem

Then include this in main dovecot config (you can add those configurations directly in dovecot.conf or 00-ssl.conf also. I just prefer separate this):

# SNI include
!include ssl-sni.conf


As for Postfix, configuration is also simple:

Inside /etc/postfix/, create file and add ssl definitions in it: /etc/ssl/certs/domain1/privkey.pem /etc/ssl/certs/domain1/fullchain.pem /etc/ssl/certs/domain2/privkey.pem /etc/ssl/certs/domain2/fullchain.pem

Run postmap and restart Postfix:

[root@mail postfix]# postmap -F which will create
[root@mail postfix]# systemctl restart postfix

If everything is OK, you should now have SNI supported mail server.

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