If you want to get information about how much of disk is consuming every email account on your Directadmin server, then you can use this command.
[root@post ~]# find /home/*/imap/*/*/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec du -sh {} \; | awk -F '/' {'print $6"@"$5 " -> " $1'}
info@domain1.si -> 60K
test@domain1.si -> 60K
lala@domain1.ba -> 529M
info@somedomain.ba -> 529M
igor@somedomain.eu -> 772K
If you would want for every email account of some specific user, than you can use this:
[root@post ~]# find /home/user1/imap/*/*/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec du -sh {} \; | awk -F '/' {'print $6"@"$5 " -> " $1'}
info@domain1.si -> 1.3G
test2@domain1.it -> 1.3G
igor@test.si -> 68M
Simple, but it can save some time 🙂