Restore MSSQL database with new name

Restoring old MSSQL database to a new database with different name can be a little bit tricky on Windows. This was done on Windows Server 2008 with SQL Server 2008 Management Studio installed.

Here is how:

  1. Login to your SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Create new database with name that you wish. In this case, we will create database name “new_database”. Just right click on “Databases” and then “New database”.

  3. Select newly created database and right click on it, then select “Tasks -> Restore -> Database …” In “Destination for restore”, select database that we created in second step – new_database. Select it from drop down menu “To database”. In “Source for restore”, select  “From device” and then navigate to your database backup file from which you want to restore database.

    Also click on “Options” on left side of the window (Select a page). Then check “Overwrite the existing database”. Make sure that you pointed to right database files (Restore the database files as -> Restore As field). When done, click OK. Restore process will start.

  4. Your database should now be restored from your old database backup file to your newly created database new_database.

cPanel Webmail: internal server error 500 user is over quota cpanel

This user cpanel account reached disk quota limit and mail stopped working. User deleted about 4G of emails and released some disk space. Problem was that he still wasn’t able to login to webmail. This error was shown:

internal server error 500 user is over quota cpanel

It didn’t make sense since he released his disk space. Cpanels quota was showing new value, but login to webmail was still impossible.

What you have to do is remove cpanels overquota file manually. Let’s say that user user4 is having issue described above.

root@cpanel [~]# cd /var/cpanel/overquota/
root@cpanel [/var/cpanel/overquota]# ls
./  ../  user1  user2  user3  user4 
root@cpanel [/var/cpanel/overquota]# rm user4

After I deleted /var/cpanel/overquota/user4, webmail was started to working again.

Generate NGINX virtual hosts script

I created simple script for creating NGINX virtual hosts so that you don’t have to do it manualy for every new website. Script was created for Linux – CentOS 7 – operating system but it should work on other distributions too. It is written in bash. You will also need wget and tar installed for script to work – wordpress install option.

What it does is pretty straightforward. On input side it will ask you for domain name, SSL option and WordPress installation. You can choose between http and https virtual host definition. By default it will create document root for your domain and NGINX configuration file for that domain. If you choose option for WordPress installation, then it will also download latest wordpress version and unpack files to your newly created document root. You’ll still need to create database manually and finish WordPress installation. This script is suitable for basic NGINX website configurations

Just download script here and template files. Put script createsite to your /usr/sbin/ directory and make it executable. Of corse you can change virtual host templates according to your needs too.

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Replacing string from variable with sed: unknown option to `s’

Sed is great command to use. I was writing some bash script and I needed to replace some strings in file with string saved in variable.

sed “s/string1/$string2/g; s/string3/$string4/g”  $CFGFILE

When executed, script was returning this error:

[root@vincentvega]# ./myscript
sed: -e expression #1, char 14: unknown option to `s'

After googling around for a while I figured out that / was causing the problem. So I replaced / with | and now works fine. I think that you can also use some other char than | if you want.

sed “s|string1|$string2|g; s|string3|$string4|g”  $CFGFILE

Exim – remove messages from mail queue sorted by email address

Ok, title is a little confusing, I admit :). Let me try to explain. When you have stuffed exim mail queue and you want to remove all messages from specific domain only, sometimes email address that you want to use as key for your parsing is in second line. So, classic exim -bp | grep <searchstring> | awk {‘print $3’} | xargs exim -Mrm is not very useful in this case because it won’t return message ID. Grep with -B flag is what you need in this case. -B will show line before your “key” string also – message ID in this case. You can check how to on example below.

  • Check exim mail queue
[root@mailserver ~]# exim -bp

46h   58K 1b59PU-000J6d-1U <>

44h   11K 1b5Bj4-000MJC-GF <>

44h   16K 1b5BjQ-000MNC-0M <>

43h  9.0K 1b5Bvp-000P1c-6s <>

43h   11K 1b5BzX-000PmA-S5 <>

41h   59K 1b5Dhb-000I5h-8E <>

27h   17K 1b5RNl-000OFW-Tn <>

22h   78K 1b5W42-000Nna-Jn <>

22h   11K 1b5W8b-000Oes-Fb <>

22h  250K 1b5WHr-0000Om-Oa <>

20h   12K 1b5YEZ-000MF7-Jq <>

19h  9.1K 1b5YK6-000NPV-1m <>

19h   12K 1b5YXM-000Ppg-Qd <>

19h   11K 1b5Yeq-0001JN-9a <>

  • We want to delete all messages that contains string and are in second line.
[root@mailserver ~]# exim -bp | awk {'print $1,$3'} | grep -B1 mydomain | awk {'print $2'} | xargs exim -Mrm

Message 1b59PU-000J6d-1U has been removed
Message 1b5Bj4-000MJC-GF has been removed
Message 1b5Bvp-000P1c-6s has been removed
Message 1b5BzX-000PmA-S5 has been removed
Message 1b5Dhb-000I5h-8E has been removed
Message 1b5RNl-000OFW-Tn has been removed
Message 1b5W8b-000Oes-Fb has been removed
Message 1b5W42-000Nna-Jn has been removed
Message 1b5W8b-000Oes-Fb has been removed
Message 1b5YK6-000NPV-1m has been removed
Message 1b5YEZ-000MF7-Jq has been removed
Message 1b5YK6-000NPV-1m has been removed

How to save mysql query output into a file

Sometimes you may want to save output of some mysql query to a text file. Maybe even to Excel’s spreadsheet file so that you have more control with editing, sorting … MySQL offers many useful options there.

Below is an example on how to save some mysql query output to csv file. You can terminate fields with some key character which is super useful. This example has fields terminated with ; and lines with \n.

mysql> select firstname, lastname, email, phone from clients INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/outputfile.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ';' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';

Just make sure that mysql has suitable permissions so that it will be able to write to a file – chmod 777.

Directadmin and wrong JPEG library version – FreeBSD

I came across this error a few times on DirectAdmin installations. I first noticed this error when I installed Nextgen Gallery plugin on some WordPress installation. When I tried to upload some pictures, php should resize them and create thumbnails, but instead of thumbnails I’ll get error about JPEG library (checked in error log). Below is procedure on how to fix that error. At least it worked for me. This Directaadmin was installed on FreeBSD 9.1.

  • Login as root
  • Update ports
[root@lala ~]# portsnap fetch update
  • Delete currently installed JPEG library
[root@lala ~]# pkg_info | grep jpeg
[root@lala ~]# pkg_delete jpeg
  • Install jpeg library with custombuild
  • Edit your configuration script for php in custombuild. Add or edit values as bellow. Notice that path is not /usr/local/lib anymore.
–with-gd \
–with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local \
  • Rebuild PHP with custombuild
[root@lala ~]# cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
[root@lala /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild]# ./build php n
  • When build is complete, restart Apache and try it again. It should work.
[root@lala ~]# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/httpd restart


Remove those ^M symbols with VI

We all know how annoying those ^M-s can be all over your script or file. ^M is a carriage return, and is commonly seen when files are copied from Windows. All of them can be removed in one step, with vi editor. Open your file in vi and hit escape. Then do like shown below.


SSH without your certificate / overridde ssh certificate

If you want to test if users can ssh to a server with their passwords but your attempt is overridden by your ssh certificate, this is how you can do it.

ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password

How to chown symbolic link – symlink

By default, if you try to chown symbolic link, e.g. symlink, it won’t work. User and group of symlink will stay the same after attempt. What you can do is add -h flag in your chown command. This flag stands for –no-dereference and it means »affect symbolic links instead of any referenced file«.


### symlink is owned by root
[root@myserver www]# ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root  13 May 14 14:51 html -> /var/www/html

### try to chown directory with nginx user and group
[root@myserver www]# chown nginx:nginx html

### no changes
[root@myserver www]# ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root  13 May 14 14:52 html -> /var/www/html

### try chown with -h flag
[root@myserver www]# chown -h nginx:nginx html

### ownership of symbolic link html is now changed
[root@myserver www]# ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx  1 nginx nginx 13 May 19 14:52 html -> /var/www/html

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