Apache “require ip” is not working when behind proxy. How to limit website access to IP when Apache is behind proxy.

I had a case where Apache did not respect the directives in .htaccess with ‘require ip‘ and I couldn’t limit the website to certain addresses. The problem is that when Apache is behind a proxy ( HAProxy in this case ), the ‘require ip‘ will not pass the correct IP address. The correct IP address of the visitor is located in the ‘X-Forwarded-For’ variable. Therefore, .htaccess needs to be modified so that instead of ‘require ip’, it will respect another variable into which we will pass the values of ‘X-Forwarded-For’.

Below is an example of how it was solved in a case where it was necessary to request a password only if the website visitor did not come from a specific IP address which is added to the exceptions.”


<If "%{HTTP_HOST} == 'this.isnowworking.com'">
AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/.htpasswd
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted access"

SetEnvIF X-Forwarded-For "" AllowIP
SetEnvIF X-Forwarded-For "" AllowIP
SetEnvIF X-Forwarded-For "" AllowIP

Require valid-user
Require env AllowIP

Directadmin – build GeoIP2 in Directadmin’s NGINX and create country blocking for vhosts.

GeoIP is super helpful if you have troubles with a lot of nasty requests from some nasty countries :). Or, sometimes, you just want to lock some website or part of it ( administration ), so that it is accessible only from your country.

Things are a little different when you are using Directadmin control panel. I had this Directadmin with NGINX reverse proxy, so all NGINX is first point for requests made on your websites. Besides SSL offloading, you can also do filtering, country blocking … before request ends on backend ( Apache ).

So, here is how you can build GeoIP2 extension into your NGINX on Directadmin. I my case, I have Nginx as reverse proxy with Apache.

Check which NGINX version is installed on your server

[root@da nginx]# nginx -v
nginx version: nginx/1.23.1

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Letsencrypt/certbot fails when proxying with Apache ProxyPass

I had an issue on Directadmin server where client had nodejs application for which apache had to proxy on port 3001. Becouse of this, letsencrypt was not able to reach .well-known/acme-challenge/ and certificate registration/renewal failed. Solution is simple, you have to exclude proxy when requesting .well-known/acme-challenge/.

This was error whent trying to check .well-known/acme-challenge:

$ curl http://mydomain.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/test.txt 
{"errors":[{"message":"Route /.well-known/test.txt doesn't exist.","extensions":{"code":"ROUTE_NOT_FOUND"}}]}%

So I added “ProxyPass !” directive just before where I create proxy directive to port 3001. Like so:

. . .
<Location /.well-known/acme-challenge>
   ProxyPass !

<Location />
Require all granted
. . . 

Then I was able tu make request to .well-known/acme-challenge sucsessfully:

> $ curl http://mydomain.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/test.txt 
It works!

I hope this helps! 🙂

Directadmin – ModSecurity: Request body (Content-Length) is larger than the configured limit (13107200)

I had problem with uploading files on Directadmin server with mod_security enabled. I set upload_max_filesize and post_max_size to 64M, and still recived error like this:

[Wed Aug 04 23:31:30.320425 1912] [:error] [pid 1418987:tid 140666332325632] [client] [client] ModSecurity: Request body (Content-Length) is larger than the configured limit (13107200). [hostname "www.geekytuts.net"] [uri "/wp-admin/async-upload.php"] [unique_id "YQpCUpEZgUlp9rxIlbunrAAAnTQ"], referer: https://www.geekytuts.net/wp-admin/media-new.php

I found out that this behavior is not caused by any mod_security rules (Free ModSecurity Rules from Comodo) but by directive SecRequestBodyLimit setting . Default value is 12.5M and since I set 64M for file uploads, I changed this value the same – in bytes.

File which you want to modify is /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-modsecurity.conf. In my case, I modifyed like this:

SecRequestBodyLimit 67108864
SecRequestBodyNoFilesLimit 1048576

Get list of mass/multi domain redirects with CURL

I had large list of domains for which I had to check to which location are they pointing/redirecting. Curl is best option for this kind of work. To save some time, I wrote this simple one liner which will do that for you.

First, create txt file which will contain list of all domains that you want to check. For this example I will create domains.txt. 

Then, run this command – replace file name with yours.

> $ for i in `cat domains.txt`; do echo -n "$i -> "; curl -I -s -L -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} -o /dev/null $i; echo "\t"; done

This will give you domain name with location to which it’s redirecting:

domain1.com -> https://www.domain1.com/sl 
domain1.de -> https://www.domain1.com/de 
domain2.si -> http://domain2.si/si 
example.com -> https://www.example.com/
lalala.es -> https://www. lalala.es/spain 
bash.com -> https://www.bash.com/i/love

Magento: PHP Fatal error – Allowed memory size exhausted when bin/magento module:status

This was strange one. When calling simple magento command with PHP CLI I was getting error that allowed memory size was exhausted.

[root@machine ~]# php bin/magento module:status
[root@machine ~]# PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 2097152 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32768 bytes) in /path/to/wwww/magentoshot.com/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php on line 951

I checked php.ini and it was set like this:

memory_limit = 2048M

I checked if there are different values for CLI version. It were the same.

Solution was simple. Change your php.ini value for memory_limit and define it in gigabytes instead in megabytes.

memory_limit = 2G

I restarted Apache and it started to work.

Nice way to do HTTP to HTTPS redirection with Apache .htaccess

I had some sites on shared hosting environment for which I had to do http to https redirection with .htaccess file. I did 302 redirection intentionally so that in case of error, browser doesn’t cache redirection. You can aslo make permanent 301 redirect if needed.

This is nice and simple way to do it:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=302]

WordPress returning 404 Error on all subpages

In this case I used NGINX as reverse proxy for ssl offloading in front of Apache. On this WordPress installation I was getting 404 on all subpages. Htaccess syntax was correct as it was nginx configuration. In this case, problem was caused because of missing “AllowOverride” Apache directive which didn’t allow htaccess to be processed. I added “AllowOverride ALL” in apache configuration for this virtual host. Subpages started to work.


<VirtualHost *:8080>
DocumentRoot /var/www/mysite.com/
ServerName mysite.com
ServerAlias www.mysite.com

<Directory "/var/www/mysite.com/">
AllowOverride All

WordPress: Too Many Redirects Issue when NGINX reverse proxy to Apache

I installed NGINX and put it in front of Apache for SSL offloading and caching static content. Traffic is proxied from Nginx to Apache.  When I tried to open site via https, it returned this painful error “Too Many Redirects”.

Try to add this in your wp-config.php – if you have everything else configured correctly, it should work:

$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'On';


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