Find and replace whitespaces from your filename

If your files contain whitespaces in their names, it can sometimes be a real pain. Expressly if you are on Linux or Unix systems. I had some problems when running rsync for backup my files. Files with whitespace were causing problems. So bellow is simple command that will remove all whitespace and replace them with “_”. You can change to any symbol that you like. I example bellow, I was searching for all jpg files.

find . -type f -name "* *.jpg" -exec bash -c 'mv "$0" "${0// /_}"' {} \;

Replacing string from variable with sed: unknown option to `s’

Sed is great command to use. I was writing some bash script and I needed to replace some strings in file with string saved in variable.

sed “s/string1/$string2/g; s/string3/$string4/g”  $CFGFILE

When executed, script was returning this error:

[root@vincentvega]# ./myscript
sed: -e expression #1, char 14: unknown option to `s'

After googling around for a while I figured out that / was causing the problem. So I replaced / with | and now works fine. I think that you can also use some other char than | if you want.

sed “s|string1|$string2|g; s|string3|$string4|g”  $CFGFILE

Exim – remove messages from mail queue sorted by email address

Ok, title is a little confusing, I admit :). Let me try to explain. When you have stuffed exim mail queue and you want to remove all messages from specific domain only, sometimes email address that you want to use as key for your parsing is in second line. So, classic exim -bp | grep <searchstring> | awk {‘print $3’} | xargs exim -Mrm is not very useful in this case because it won’t return message ID. Grep with -B flag is what you need in this case. -B will show line before your “key” string also – message ID in this case. You can check how to on example below.

  • Check exim mail queue
[root@mailserver ~]# exim -bp

46h   58K 1b59PU-000J6d-1U <>

44h   11K 1b5Bj4-000MJC-GF <>

44h   16K 1b5BjQ-000MNC-0M <>

43h  9.0K 1b5Bvp-000P1c-6s <>

43h   11K 1b5BzX-000PmA-S5 <>

41h   59K 1b5Dhb-000I5h-8E <>

27h   17K 1b5RNl-000OFW-Tn <>

22h   78K 1b5W42-000Nna-Jn <>

22h   11K 1b5W8b-000Oes-Fb <>

22h  250K 1b5WHr-0000Om-Oa <>

20h   12K 1b5YEZ-000MF7-Jq <>

19h  9.1K 1b5YK6-000NPV-1m <>

19h   12K 1b5YXM-000Ppg-Qd <>

19h   11K 1b5Yeq-0001JN-9a <>

  • We want to delete all messages that contains string and are in second line.
[root@mailserver ~]# exim -bp | awk {'print $1,$3'} | grep -B1 mydomain | awk {'print $2'} | xargs exim -Mrm

Message 1b59PU-000J6d-1U has been removed
Message 1b5Bj4-000MJC-GF has been removed
Message 1b5Bvp-000P1c-6s has been removed
Message 1b5BzX-000PmA-S5 has been removed
Message 1b5Dhb-000I5h-8E has been removed
Message 1b5RNl-000OFW-Tn has been removed
Message 1b5W8b-000Oes-Fb has been removed
Message 1b5W42-000Nna-Jn has been removed
Message 1b5W8b-000Oes-Fb has been removed
Message 1b5YK6-000NPV-1m has been removed
Message 1b5YEZ-000MF7-Jq has been removed
Message 1b5YK6-000NPV-1m has been removed

Exim – delete specific emails from queue

Sometimes your exim mail queue can grow quite large. Especially when some website (WordPress!) is hacked and is sending tons of spam mail. Or when you end up with thousands of frozen mails. You probably don’t want to remove all emails from queue. That would mean legit emails too. You want to specify and delete only specific ones.

For sake of this demonstration we want to delete all emails that contains string

18h   60K 1b33Uz-000LkN-48 <> (someuser)

Just run command below and all mails with string match will be deleted from mail queue.

exim -bp |  grep "" | awk {'print $3'} | xargs exim -Mrm

Or for example, in case of frozen mails:

exim -bp |  grep froz | awk {'print $3'} | xargs exim -Mrm

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