cPanel’s Awstats: There are no domains which have awstats stats to display

One client had issue with Awstats statistics. They stoped working. When he tried to add new domain and check Awstats in cPanel, this message was shown:

There are no domains which have awstats stats to display

Awstats were configured correctly, cron was executed. I then discovered that there were no active access log in /usr/local/apache/domlogs/ So I tried to tail this log while visit web site, no access log was generating.

A while ago I enabled cPanels option “Piped Log Configuration” which was suggested to enable to speed up cPanel control panel experience. When this was disabled, access log per domain started to working again.


Moodle – mysql/mariadb Antelope to Barracuda installation warning

I tried to install Moodle 3.5.2 on cPanel server and got this warning in installation process:

“Your database has tables using Antelope as the file format. You are recommended to convert the tables to the Barracuda file format. See the documentation Administration via command line for details of a tool for converting InnoDB tables to Barracuda.”

Because this was production hosting server, I was unable to just globally change mysql settings. To be able to proceed installation, open config.php file of your moodle and change variable dbcollation like this:

dbcollation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci'


cPanel/CloudLinux – Composer not working with cPanel user

I had a problem when publishing project via composer as cPanel user. When trying to execute composer via cpanel user with ssh access, composer returned nothing. This was on CloudLinux with alt-php (PHP Selector) and cPanel.

In documentation is stated that for composer to work, we need PHP library’s Phar, Iconv, Mbstring. This can be done easily with PHP Selector in your user interface. Documentation also says that we need to have enabled allow_url_fopen which is also specified as possible security issue so it shouldnt be enabled globally. And lastly, if you use suhosin, which you should, you have to whitelist Phar. You should do all of this so that is only affecting php.ini for specific user and not globally. Also, you’ll want to increase memory_limit as composer needs it. In my case, I temporary increase it to 1G. First, enable all necessary php library’s through PHP Selector in you cpanel control panel. Then follow steps bellow.

Login in users CageFS like this:

root@server [~]# cagefsctl -e

Then go to your alt-php configuration directory:

root@cpanel [~]# cd /etc/cl.php.d/alt-php<desired version>/

Inside of this directory you should see file alt_php.ini, open it and add this to end of the file:

;>=== Start of PHP Selector Custom Options ===
;<=== End of PHP Selector Custom Options =====

Save this settings and exit user CageFS. You don’t need to restart apache. Then SSH with your cpanel user and try to run composer.

Composer should now work with your cPanel user:

thisisme@server [/]# composer --version
Composer version 1.6.2 2018-01-05


cPanel: Your server does not support the connection encryption type you have specified

If you’re getting message like “Your server does not support the connection encryption type you have specified” when try to set up email in your Outlook, then chances are that your cPanel mail server has disabled some needed encryption types.

By default, cPanel disables all those protocols: SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1. SSL2 and SSL3 should be disabled at all costs, but you may not get away with TLS 1.1 or even TLS 1 being disabled.

To enable TLS 1 and TLS 1.1 in your Exim, login as admin in your cpanel and then: Home -> Service Configuration -> Exim Configuration Manager. Select second option so you can insert your own directives and add this:

 +no_sslv2 +no_sslv3

cPanel – create directory alias on domain

Creating aliases on cpanel server is easy – for domains. But when you want to create directory alias for files outside of document root, there is no quick/click option in control panel. By directory alias I mean for example, Where /something is directory that is outside of your document root – public_html of domain. Another example, you have domain and you want phpmyadmin to be accessible on, but phpmyadmin is installed outside of document root of You’ll need directory alias. Here is quick way to do it.

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Scan your cPanel/Directadmin for excessive files

When dealing with cPanel/Directadmin that contains a lot of users, you need some control of what those users are uploading. Web hosting accounts should be used just for that, hosting websites, and not as data storage – in most cases. Sometimes you even offer packets with unlimited disk capacity but you don’t want that users are storing movies and all kind of other unnecessary files that don’t belong on web hosting account. From web hosting perspective, in most cases, any single file that exceeds 100M is usually not part of website and is just laying there, wasting your precious disk space. In cases like this, account is used as backup service. You’ll be able to find all kind of files. Movies, music, applications, archives …

So you may want to have some reports on regular basis that gives you list of all files that exceed some maximum allowed file size limit – defined by you. Personaly, I scan on interval of 7 days for all files that exceed size of 300M. I created a simple script that will do just that. It will check your /home directory for all files that exceed size that you defined. At the end, report will be sent to your email. You can also scan other directory beside /home if you wish.

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cPanel Webmail: internal server error 500 user is over quota cpanel

This user cpanel account reached disk quota limit and mail stopped working. User deleted about 4G of emails and released some disk space. Problem was that he still wasn’t able to login to webmail. This error was shown:

internal server error 500 user is over quota cpanel

It didn’t make sense since he released his disk space. Cpanels quota was showing new value, but login to webmail was still impossible.

What you have to do is remove cpanels overquota file manually. Let’s say that user user4 is having issue described above.

root@cpanel [~]# cd /var/cpanel/overquota/
root@cpanel [/var/cpanel/overquota]# ls
./  ../  user1  user2  user3  user4 
root@cpanel [/var/cpanel/overquota]# rm user4

After I deleted /var/cpanel/overquota/user4, webmail was started to working again.

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