Directadmin – get disk size information for every email account on your server/user

If you want to get information about how much of disk is consuming every email account on your Directadmin server, then you can use this command.

[root@post ~]# find /home/*/imap/*/*/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec du -sh {} \; | awk -F '/' {'print $6"@"$5 " -> " $1'} -> 60K -> 60K -> 529M -> 529M -> 772K

If you would want for every email account of some specific user, than you can use this:

[root@post ~]# find /home/user1/imap/*/*/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec du -sh {} \; | awk -F '/' {'print $6"@"$5 " -> " $1'} -> 1.3G -> 1.3G -> 68M

Simple, but it can save some time 🙂

cPanel Webmail: internal server error 500 user is over quota cpanel

This user cpanel account reached disk quota limit and mail stopped working. User deleted about 4G of emails and released some disk space. Problem was that he still wasn’t able to login to webmail. This error was shown:

internal server error 500 user is over quota cpanel

It didn’t make sense since he released his disk space. Cpanels quota was showing new value, but login to webmail was still impossible.

What you have to do is remove cpanels overquota file manually. Let’s say that user user4 is having issue described above.

root@cpanel [~]# cd /var/cpanel/overquota/
root@cpanel [/var/cpanel/overquota]# ls
./  ../  user1  user2  user3  user4 
root@cpanel [/var/cpanel/overquota]# rm user4

After I deleted /var/cpanel/overquota/user4, webmail was started to working again.

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