cPanel – Roundcube error – “Error: Server Error(OK)”

One of the email accounts suddenly experienced trouble when searching in Roundcube. After a while, error occurred to user: “Error: Server Error(OK)”. At first, I thought it was a dovecot index problem, so I regenerated them, but the error was still there. Then I thought that may be IMAP server timeout, but it wasn’t a case, because it worked in mailboxes that were larger than this one.

Inside mail log I saw error below. But the mailbox wasn’t corrupted:

[01-Dec-2022 12:22:38 Earth/Universe] Unexpected condition from IMAP server, closed or corrupt connection to IMAP. Possible mailbox corruption.

This was an error inside Roundcube error log (“/home/username/logs/roundcube/errors”). This error didn’t seemed with issue that was experienced – search error, but cPanel support stated that is related to database corruption.

[01-Dec-2022 12:23:38 Earth/Universe]: <77d0888c> DB Error: [1] no such table: collected_addresses (SQL Query: SELECT * FROM "collected_addresses" WHERE "user_id" = '1' AND "type" = '2' AND ("email" LIKE '') ORDER BY "name" ASC, "email" ASC LIMIT 10) in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_db.php on line 566 (GET /cpsess4226161538/3rdparty/roundcube/index.php?_task=addressbook&_action=photo&

So, I tried to regenerate Roundcube database for this user (and backup old one first, of course):

[root@cpanel ~]# cd /home/username/etc/
[root@cpanel]# mv user.emailaddress.rcube.db user.emailaddress.rcube.db.backup

Then, just login into Roundcube again and, a new db file should be generated. This sorted out the issue with search functionality.

Dovecot fails to reload after upgrade / code=exited, status=226/NAMESPACE

If your Dovecot fails to reload/restart after upgrade, chances are that your kernel is too old. But you can try and fix this problem with simple step bellow.

This was in syslog log:

systemd[20406]: dovecot.service: Failed at step NAMESPACE spawning /usr/bin/doveadm: No such file or directory
dovecot.service: Control process exited, code=exited status=226
systemd[1]: Reload failed for Dovecot IMAP/POP3 email server.

This was Dovecot service status:

● dovecot.service - Dovecot IMAP/POP3 email server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/dovecot.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2021-09-07 19:31:12 CEST; 1 months 28 days ago
Docs: man:dovecot(1)
Process: 20406 ExecReload=/usr/bin/doveadm reload (code=exited, status=226/NAMESPACE)

To solve, you can try and edit dovecot service script and add coment to PrivateTmp variable.

root@mailmachine:~# vi /lib/systemd/system/dovecot.service

ExecReload=/usr/bin/doveadm reload
ExecStop=/usr/bin/doveadm stop
# Enable this if your systemd is new enough to support it:

SNI support for Dovecot and Postfix

If you are in position that you need multiple SSL certificates for different domains on single mail server, you can do it with SNI. Of corse, on very old versions this is not supported. Check documentation first, if its supported for your version of Dovecot and Postfix.


In case of incoming mailserver Dovecot it’s easy as listed bellow. I made file ssl-sni.conf in which I add SNI configurations for my domains. Then I included ssl-sni.conf in main dovecot config.

Create ssl-sni.conf and add your SNI definitions in it:

local_name {
ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/certs/domain1/fullchain.pem
ssl_key = </etc/ssl/certs/domain1/privkey.pem

local_name {
ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/certs/domain2/fullchain.pem
ssl_key = </etc/ssl/certs/domain2/privkey.pem

Then include this in main dovecot config (you can add those configurations directly in dovecot.conf or 00-ssl.conf also. I just prefer separate this):

# SNI include
!include ssl-sni.conf


As for Postfix, configuration is also simple:

Inside /etc/postfix/, create file and add ssl definitions in it: /etc/ssl/certs/domain1/privkey.pem /etc/ssl/certs/domain1/fullchain.pem /etc/ssl/certs/domain2/privkey.pem /etc/ssl/certs/domain2/fullchain.pem

Run postmap and restart Postfix:

[root@mail postfix]# postmap -F which will create
[root@mail postfix]# systemctl restart postfix

If everything is OK, you should now have SNI supported mail server.

Directadmin – Process failed (1) when writing error message to (frozen)

User complained about not being able to receive error messages from remote mail servers. When he sent to this email address from Gmail, error message return, but when he tried from Directadmin server, no error message arrived in inbox. I could see those messages in Exim’s mail queue as frozen.

In Exim mail log, this error was shown:

Process failed (1) when writing error message to (frozen)

After a while of digging online, I’ve found out that BlockCracking is causing this problem. We had BlockCracking version 1.8 which was apparently version with this issue. You’ll have to upgrade BlockCracking to version 1.10 or newer. Just go to your Directadmin’s custombuild directory, then follow this steps:

./build exim
./build dovecot_conf
./build spamassassin
./build blockcracking
./build update
./build exim_conf

After that, error messages should arrive in your inbox.

cPanel email problem – (13): Permission denied: failed to chdir to /home/username

I had this weird issue on one of our production cpanel servers where user’s email stopped working without any reason. Only error that was available was:

T=dovecot_virtual_delivery defer (13): Permission denied: failed to chdir to /home/username

From time to time users document root permissions were set to user nobody and execution privileges were removed. Because of this, email wasn’t working and I couldn’t find out why.

After a lot of headache I googled across this thread. Permissions were altered by cPanel’s File Protect. Somehow file protect recognized this accounts permissions weren’t right. After checking in users account, there was sub-domain created for which document root was set to “/”. This is not valid document root, and because of this, file protect altered users permissions.

I changed document root for this sub-domain and problem was solved. You should also correct user’s permissions on document root after fixing issue with file protect:

chmod +x /home/username
chown username:username /home/username

You should make sure that user accounts permissions are absolutely correct.

Hope this saves some sleep 🙂

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