How to chown symbolic link – symlink

By default, if you try to chown symbolic link, e.g. symlink, it won’t work. User and group of symlink will stay the same after attempt. What you can do is add -h flag in your chown command. This flag stands for –no-dereference and it means »affect symbolic links instead of any referenced file«.


### symlink is owned by root
[root@myserver www]# ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root  13 May 14 14:51 html -> /var/www/html

### try to chown directory with nginx user and group
[root@myserver www]# chown nginx:nginx html

### no changes
[root@myserver www]# ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root  13 May 14 14:52 html -> /var/www/html

### try chown with -h flag
[root@myserver www]# chown -h nginx:nginx html

### ownership of symbolic link html is now changed
[root@myserver www]# ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx  1 nginx nginx 13 May 19 14:52 html -> /var/www/html

Find CryptoPHP hacks on your server / False php scripts

CryptoPHP is nasty little shit! A while ago I had a problem with spam on one of our hosting servers. When we ended on several RBL lists, one of them stated that there is a possible way that our machine is infected with CryptoPHP. Hacked files can be very hard to find. PHP code was hidden in false .png files! This pngs were then included in some legit php files, like index.php. So every time index.php was loaded, hacked code inside included png file was loaded too.

Here is how you can find if there are false png files on your system. Just scan your directory with this line:

find -L /path/to/dir/ -type f -name "*.png" -exec file {} + | grep PHP

You could also scan your system for other types of files. Just replace *.png with something elese, for example *.jpg.

Output for legit files will look something like this:

./wp-includes/js/tinymce/skins/wordpress/images/more-2x.png:    PNG image data, 3800 x 40, 4-bit colormap, non-interlaced

Output for script that pretends to be regular PNG file – hacks – will look something like this:

./test.png:   PHP script, ASCII text

How to transfer SSL certificate from Linux to Windows

Sometimes you may want to transfer your SSL certificate to Windows enviroment. So if you searching for how to transfer and find this article, than I’m sure that you know how to install certificate on Linux or Windows machine. Otherwise there are a million tutorials that you can find on google. I will explain how to transfer your certificate from Linux to Windows.

First, you need to create .pem file. This file must contain private key and certificate hash (.key and .crt). Open your favorite text editor (vi) and paste the content of your key and certificate file in one file. You must paste it in that order with a line break. First key and then crt. Save this file as sslcertificate.pem.

On IIS server you’ll need a file in p12 format. You can simply create p12 file by execute command below on your Linux machine. You’ll have to define password for your .p12 file. Remember this password because you’ll need it later!

openssl pkcs12 -export -in sslcertificate.pem -out sslcertificate.p12 //replace with your attributes

Transfer your freshly created sslcertificate.p12 file on to your Windows machine. You’ll import your sslcertificate.p12 in your IIS. On Windows machine, find properties of your website in IIS and then go into Directory Security tab. Click on button Server Certificate and then select option Import. Than will asked you to find file. You need to change scope to All files as otherwise, sslcertificate.p12 file won’t be visible. When you’ll select sslcertificate.p12 file, you’ll be asked to enter password. Enter the password that you defined in step 3. This is it! You transferred SSL certificate from Linux to Windows.

FTP file transfer from command line with wget

Sometimes you have a lot of files to transfer and no rsync, only FTP. You don’t want to sit in front of the computer and waiting for files to transfer. If you have access to command line, there is a simple solution on how to transfer all your files through FTP with wget. Once transfer is started you don’t want to close terminal session as you would cancel transfer also. Luckily there is great piece of software named screen. So, you start a new screen session by typing command screen, and run command below. Then you can detach from that screen session with pressing CTRL + A + D. This way file transfer will continue to transfer in background. You can even shut down your computer. When you want to see if all is transfered, you can just attach screen session back with command screen -x.

So in screen, just run this:

wget -m

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