How to clean Zimbra mail queue as root user

You may come across a problem when trying to clean Zimbra mail queue as Zimbra user as lack of privileges.

When trying to log in as Zimbra and run the command below, I came across a privilege’s problem as Zimbra user was unable to run postsuper command:

[zimbra@mailmachine root]$  mailq | tail -n +2 | awk 'BEGIN { RS = "" } / { print $1 }' | tr -d '*!' | postsuper -d -
postsuper: fatal: use of this command is reserved for the superuser

If you check mail queue as root user, you won’t see Zimbra messages. What you can do, is use binaries of Zimbra. Here is how I was able to clean mail queue with root user for Zimbra:

[root@mailmachine sbin]# /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/mailq | tail -n +2 | awk 'BEGIN { RS = "" } / { print $1 }' | tr -d '*!' | /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/postsuper -d -
postsuper: F22125044F450: removed
postsuper: F24D45044B05C: removed
postsuper: F31595048D7A0: removed
postsuper: F307B50478E75: removed
postsuper: F155F5049BCF0: removed
postsuper: F3A22504CAC00: removed
postsuper: F40E2504A3B49: removed

This will successfully clean Zimbra mail queue – messages from user You may have different paths to your mailq and postsuper. I noticed that on some installations, path is “/opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postsuper”.

check_eximailqueue: query returned no output! [FIX]

If you are icinga/nagios user and dealing with exim, you probably know for wonderful plugin check_eximailqueue. This plugin warns you when there are specific amount of email in your exim mail queue. Usually this indicates spam.

I installed this plugin on CentOS 7 with Directadmin installed. When I was executing plugin locally, it worked fine. But when I tried to execute it remotely (from Icinga server), it failed.

This was error returned when executing from Icinga server:

> # /usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_nrpe -H -c check_exim_queue
Mailqueue WARNING - query returned no output!

I added “nagios  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/exim” to my /etc/sudoers file but error still persisted. I manually set Exim and sudo path in script. Error was still there.

If you check your nrpe process, you’ll see that it runs by nrpe user and not nagios!

[root@da ~]# ps -aux | grep nrpe
 nrpe 26993 0.0 0.0 46356 1460 ? Ss 10:44 0:00 /usr/sbin/nrpe -c /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg -d

Solution is very simple. Just change “nagios ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/exim”  to “nrpe ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/exim”  in your /etc/sudoers – replace user nagios with nrpe. It should work.

I hope it helps 🙂

Exim – remove messages from mail queue sorted by email address

Ok, title is a little confusing, I admit :). Let me try to explain. When you have stuffed exim mail queue and you want to remove all messages from specific domain only, sometimes email address that you want to use as key for your parsing is in second line. So, classic exim -bp | grep <searchstring> | awk {‘print $3’} | xargs exim -Mrm is not very useful in this case because it won’t return message ID. Grep with -B flag is what you need in this case. -B will show line before your “key” string also – message ID in this case. You can check how to on example below.

  • Check exim mail queue
[root@mailserver ~]# exim -bp

46h   58K 1b59PU-000J6d-1U <>

44h   11K 1b5Bj4-000MJC-GF <>

44h   16K 1b5BjQ-000MNC-0M <>

43h  9.0K 1b5Bvp-000P1c-6s <>

43h   11K 1b5BzX-000PmA-S5 <>

41h   59K 1b5Dhb-000I5h-8E <>

27h   17K 1b5RNl-000OFW-Tn <>

22h   78K 1b5W42-000Nna-Jn <>

22h   11K 1b5W8b-000Oes-Fb <>

22h  250K 1b5WHr-0000Om-Oa <>

20h   12K 1b5YEZ-000MF7-Jq <>

19h  9.1K 1b5YK6-000NPV-1m <>

19h   12K 1b5YXM-000Ppg-Qd <>

19h   11K 1b5Yeq-0001JN-9a <>

  • We want to delete all messages that contains string and are in second line.
[root@mailserver ~]# exim -bp | awk {'print $1,$3'} | grep -B1 mydomain | awk {'print $2'} | xargs exim -Mrm

Message 1b59PU-000J6d-1U has been removed
Message 1b5Bj4-000MJC-GF has been removed
Message 1b5Bvp-000P1c-6s has been removed
Message 1b5BzX-000PmA-S5 has been removed
Message 1b5Dhb-000I5h-8E has been removed
Message 1b5RNl-000OFW-Tn has been removed
Message 1b5W8b-000Oes-Fb has been removed
Message 1b5W42-000Nna-Jn has been removed
Message 1b5W8b-000Oes-Fb has been removed
Message 1b5YK6-000NPV-1m has been removed
Message 1b5YEZ-000MF7-Jq has been removed
Message 1b5YK6-000NPV-1m has been removed

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