Migrate email accounts to different user account on the same cPanel server

Maybe you’ll want to merge two separate cPanel accounts on the same server, but you won’t be able to, because you can’t simply just delete domain from the first account, and you can’t add domain to the second account because it exists on the first one :).

You can migrate email and other user data simply, by creating backup of user account and delete it from cPanel. Below, I will show how to migrate just email. But you can also migrate websites like this.

  1. Make copy of primary user account (if websites, also make sure to dump databases of that user)
    root@cpanel [/home]# cp -rp useraccount1  useraccount1.bak
  2. Make copy of email aliases of primary account so they wont get lost after delete of primary account
    cp /etc/valiases/userdomain.com /etc/valiases/userdomain.com.bak
  3. Delete primary user account in cPanel – useraccount1 in our case
  4. Add domain of primary account to secondary account (useraccount2). Now you’ll be able to, because domain don’t exist on the system anymore.
  5. Copy settings from primary account from backup to secondary one (the one you added domain to) and set right permissions:
    root@cpanel [/home]# cp -rp /home/useraccount1.bak/etc/userdomain.com  /home/useraccount2/etc/userdomain.com
    chown -R useraccount2: /home/useraccount2/etc/userdomain.com
  6. Copy all email accounts to new account and set right permissions
     cp -rp /home/useraccount1.bak/mail/userdomain.com /home/useraccount2/mail/userdomain.com
    chown useraccount2:mail /home/useraccount2/mail/userdomain.com
    chown -R useraccount2: /home/useraccount2/mail/userdomain.com/*
  7. Recreate alliases
    cp /etc/valiases/userdomain.com.bak  /etc/valiases/userdomain.com

That’s it. You should be able to see email accounts for userdomain.com in new cPanel account. All passwords should remain the same as before.

Cpanel – migrate all email accounts to new cPanel server with existing passwords. No password change

For migration of user accounts between cPanel servers, there is a superb “Transfer tool” which is provided and is part of Cpanel. With it, you can simply migrate all data from one server to another. But what about when you have the same accounts on both servers and you don’t want to overwrite data on a new server? I had one account for which the only email was necessary to transfer. This is not something transfer tool can do because I didn’t want to overwrite account.

If you have many email accounts and you don’t know passwords for them, it is realy pain in  the ass to change all passwords and make transfer via imapsync. But luckily, you can simly copy all email accounts from one Cpanel server to another by copy user’s “passwd” and “shadow” file.

Here is how you can migrate all email accounts from one server to another without changing username/password. All passwords will be transferred.

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Migrate all databases to remote server with mysqldump in one step – 1:1 migration

Here is quick one, last in this year :). So I had to move a lot of databases to another server, but problem was, that on source server there wasn’t enough disk available. Also it was migration from very old mysql version to mariadb so mysqldump is your friend. Mysqldump all databases was out of the question because of low disk space. Dumping each database on its own would take too long and too many effort. But you can create dump of database and import it on new server in the same step.

First, you’ll need list of all databases on your source server and create them on new server. If your mysqldump creates “create database”, then you don’t need to create them manually on new server. If you want, you can skip mysql and any other databases that you don’t wish to transfer with grep. Put list of databases in some file – databases.txt for example. But first, make shure that command bellow show all databases. It is also necessary that you can remote access to mysql from source server to new server.

Test list all databases (exclude unwanted ones):

[root@oldserver ~]# mysql -e 'show databases' | grep -v "|" | grep -v "Database\|information_schema\|mysql\|performance_schema"

Then put list of databases in text file databasest.txt:

[root@oldserver ~]# mysql -e 'show databases' | grep -v "|" | grep -v "Database\|information_schema\|mysql\|performance_schema" > databases.txt

Then you can import database to remote server like this:

mysqldump -u root -ppassword --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables database1 | mysql -h -u root -ppassword database1

If you want to import all/multi databases, then use database.txt that we created in first step with for loop:

for i in `cat databases.txt`; do mysqldump -u root -ppassword --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables $i | mysql -h -u root -ppassword $i; done

Bonus: If you need to create all databases listed in databases.txt on new server manualy, then you can also create all of them in one step. Use databases.txt on new server. If your mysqldump creates “create database” also, then you can skip this step.

[root@newserver ~]# for i in `cat databases.txt`; do mysql -u root -ppassword -e create database $i; done

Hope this helps someone.

Happy new year!

Migrate email to gmail with imapsync – Host2 failure: Error login

So you want to migrate your emails from your hosting to your Gmail and you can’t get it to work with imapsync? You triple checked your login credentials and are correct but transfer still doesnt work. So what is causing error bellow?

Host2 failure: Error login on [] with user [mymail@mydomain.com] auth [LOGIN]: 2 NO [ALERT] Please log in via your web browser

You have to login to your Google Apps settings (Security -> Advanced security settings) and change value for Less secure apps to: Enforce access to less secure apps for all users. Than it should work.

Mass email migration with imapsync

You may want to migrate larger number of email accounts to another server. If there are even different types of mail servers, than imapsync is one of the best solutions for migration. With script below, you’ll be able to migrate multi accounts without repeating and running imapsync again and again.

Here is the script. Just create file, e.g. mail-migration.sh, and paste code below in it.


# Source and destination mail server setting

# Select appropriate auth mechanism.
#AUTHMECH1="--authmech1 LOGIN"
#AUTHMECH2="--authmech2 LOGIN"

# Uncomment if you want to start test/dryrun only. No emails will be transfered!

# Path to imapsync

# Users file
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "No users text file given." 

if [ ! -f "$1" ]
echo "Given users text file \"$1\" does not exist" 

# start loop
{ while IFS=';' read  u1 p1 u2 p2; do
	$imapsync ${TESTONLY} ${AUTHMECH1} --host1 ${SERVER1} --user1 "$u1" --password1 "$p1" ${AUTHMECH2} --host2 ${SERVER2} --user2 "$u2" --password2 "$p2"
done ; } < $1

Don’t forget to chmod your script so that will be executable.

chmod +x mail-migration.sh

Now you’ll have to create a simple text file that will contain login informations for each email account that you want to transfer. Create text file, for example, mail-users.txt and add login informations like shown bellow. Login informations must be separated with ;. username1 is username on old server, username2 is username on new server.


Finaly, lets transfer emails. Simply run your script like shown below. Use text file with login informations that you created. Imapsync will try to transfer all accounts that are in mail-users.txt.

root@myserver [~]# ./migrate-mail.sh mail-users.txt

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