cPanel – wrong PHP version when running composer in cPanel’s user account shell

If you’re reading this, you are probably having an issue because your composer is returning wrong (system default – native) PHP version. In this case, I tried to change to set PHP CLI version for composer from 7.2 to 8.2. In my case, this was done on CloudLinux environment where alt-php versions are in /opt/alt/. If you are using different PHP manager, find where your PHP binaries are.
I was getting this error:

[thisisme@cp ~]$ composer install
  Problem 1
    - Root composer.json requires php >=8.1 but your php version (7.2.34) does not satisfy that requirement.

You have to call composer with correct PHP binary. In my case, binary for version 8.2:

[thisisme@cp ~]$ /opt/alt/php82/usr/bin/php /opt/cpanel/composer/bin/composer diagnose
Checking platform settings: OK
Checking git settings: OK git version 2.43.2
Checking http connectivity to packagist: OK
Checking https connectivity to packagist: OK
Checking rate limit: OK
Checking disk free space: OK
Checking composer version: You are not running the latest stable version, run `composer self-update` to update (2.6.5 => 2.8.5)
Composer version: 2.6.5
PHP version: 8.2.27

If you don’t want to execute this huge line every time you want to run composer command, create a simple alias, and you should be set:

[thisisme@cp ~]$ vi .bashrc
# add this to the end of the file
alias composer=”/opt/alt/php82/usr/bin/php /opt/cpanel/composer/bin/composer”
[thisisme@cp ~]# source .bashrc

And now you can run simpler version:

[thisisme@cp ~]$ composer diagnose
Checking platform settings: OK
Checking git settings: OK git version 2.43.2
Checking http connectivity to packagist: OK
Checking https connectivity to packagist: OK
Checking rate limit: OK
Checking disk free space: OK
Checking composer version: You are not running the latest stable version, run `composer self-update` to update (2.6.5 => 2.8.5)
Composer version: 2.6.5
PHP version: 8.2.27

Calculate average memory consumption of php-fpm processes

Here is one liner which gives you average memory consumption of php-fpm processes.

 ps --no-headers -o "rss,cmd" -C "php-fpm" |  awk '{ sum+=$1 } END { printf ("%d%s\n", sum/NR/1024,"M") }'

If you have more pools, you can grep for specific pool and get average for that one:

 ps --no-headers -o "rss,cmd" -C "php-fpm" | grep <mypool2> |  awk '{ sum+=$1 } END { printf ("%d%s\n", sum/NR/1024,"M") }'

Directadmin – instal imagick (ImageMagick PHP module) with pecl – multi php

It’s amazingly simple. If you have multi PHP instances installed, go to bin directory of the one for which you want to install imagick module. In this example, I’ll install it on php version 7.3. This is CentOS 7 with Directadmin. You don’t need custombuild in this procedure.

Go to PHP bin directory:
[root@wutang4eva ~]# cd /usr/local/php73/bin/

Then just install imagick module likeå this:
[root@wutang4eva bin]# ./pecl install imagick

If php_ini is not set, then add extension to your php.ini manualy:
Add to /usr/local/php73/lib/php.ini

Restart php-fpm for php version - if you are using fpm of coruse:
systemctl restart php-fpm73.service

Check if imagick is installed:
[root@wutang4eva bin]# ./php73 -m | grep imag

If you want on other PHP versions, just do the same for each version you need imagick on.

I hope this helps.

Disable OPcache for specific PHP script. Exclude from OPcache.

Sometimes accelerating with opcache can cause some problems with your application scripts. In those cases, when your script shouldn’t be accelerated, you can specify those scripts with opcache’s blacklist which will exclude this files from acceleration. Example bellow is done on CentOS 7.

First, find configuration file for your opcache php extension. You can do something like this:

[root@meow php.d]# php -i | grep opcache | grep ini
Additional .ini files parsed => /etc/php.d/10-opcache.ini,

Open 10-opcache.ini and you should see something like bellow. Path to opcache’s blacklist file.

; The location of the OPcache blacklist file (wildcards allowed).
; Each OPcache blacklist file is a text file that holds the names of files
; that should not be accelerated.

Close 10-opcache.ini and open file named opcache-default.blacklist which should be in same directory. If not, create one. This file will contain a list of php scripts which should be ignored by opcache. 

[root@meow php.d]# cat opcache-default.blacklist
; The blacklist file is a text file that holds the names of files
; that should not be accelerated. The file format is to add each filename

Magento: PHP Fatal error – Allowed memory size exhausted when bin/magento module:status

This was strange one. When calling simple magento command with PHP CLI I was getting error that allowed memory size was exhausted.

[root@machine ~]# php bin/magento module:status
[root@machine ~]# PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 2097152 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32768 bytes) in /path/to/wwww/ on line 951

I checked php.ini and it was set like this:

memory_limit = 2048M

I checked if there are different values for CLI version. It were the same.

Solution was simple. Change your php.ini value for memory_limit and define it in gigabytes instead in megabytes.

memory_limit = 2G

I restarted Apache and it started to work.

cPanel/CloudLinux – Composer not working with cPanel user

I had a problem when publishing project via composer as cPanel user. When trying to execute composer via cpanel user with ssh access, composer returned nothing. This was on CloudLinux with alt-php (PHP Selector) and cPanel.

In documentation is stated that for composer to work, we need PHP library’s Phar, Iconv, Mbstring. This can be done easily with PHP Selector in your user interface. Documentation also says that we need to have enabled allow_url_fopen which is also specified as possible security issue so it shouldnt be enabled globally. And lastly, if you use suhosin, which you should, you have to whitelist Phar. You should do all of this so that is only affecting php.ini for specific user and not globally. Also, you’ll want to increase memory_limit as composer needs it. In my case, I temporary increase it to 1G. First, enable all necessary php library’s through PHP Selector in you cpanel control panel. Then follow steps bellow.

Login in users CageFS like this:

root@server [~]# cagefsctl -e

Then go to your alt-php configuration directory:

root@cpanel [~]# cd /etc/cl.php.d/alt-php<desired version>/

Inside of this directory you should see file alt_php.ini, open it and add this to end of the file:

;>=== Start of PHP Selector Custom Options ===
;<=== End of PHP Selector Custom Options =====

Save this settings and exit user CageFS. You don’t need to restart apache. Then SSH with your cpanel user and try to run composer.

Composer should now work with your cPanel user:

thisisme@server [/]# composer --version
Composer version 1.6.2 2018-01-05


Update all php extensions at once with YUM

With YUM, upgrading php is simple as “yum install php”. This will install latest php version on your machine. But if you have multi different php modules that aren’t part of php package (eg. gd, mysqli …), than you can use this simple one liner and install all those modules at once.

Just run this as root:

php -m | grep -v "Modules" | while read i; do yum install php-$i -y; done

This will check for all currently installed php packages and will try to upgrade them.

Magento – lock administration to specific country

Brute force attacks on Magenta administration are also very common issue, like with WordPress, well maybe a little less :). If you can’t lock your administrations on specific fixed IP addresses, than you can probably lock administration so that is accessible only from your country. Russia and China for example, are countries from which those kind of attacks are very common. So it is good idea to block them.

For this example, I’m doing this on Apache 2.4 with GeoIP module installed. Before you proceed, you should have installed geoip.

To have Magento administration accessible only from Germany (for example), add code bellow to your apache vhost configuration. This geoip was installed on CentOS 7, you should change path to GeoIP.dat accordingly to your installation. You should also change country code to the one that you want access from.

GeoIPEnable On
GeoIPDBFile /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/(index.php/)?admin/? [NC]
RewriteRule .* - [R=403,L]

Magento – Fatal error: Class Mage not found

Of corse, this can be caused by many different things, but if you’re stuck, without any ideas what could be wrong, than try solution bellow. Compiler stores everything in one file and can cause problems with includes. Just clear compiler and disable it if you don’t need it of corse.

I was getting error like this:

Warning: include(Mage.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /my/web/server/root/public_html/lib/Varien/Autoload.php on line 94 Warning: include(): Failed opening 'Mage.php' for inclusion (include_path='/my/web/server/root/public_html/app/code/local:/my/web/server/root/public_html/app/code/community:/my/web/server/root/public_html/app/code/core:/my/web/server/root/public_html/lib:.:/usr/local/share/pear') in /my/web/server/root/public_html/lib/Varien/Autoload.php on line 94 Fatal error: Class 'Mage' not found in /my/web/server/root/public_html/app/code/core/Mage/Core/functions.php on line 244

Just login into your shell and then execute commands bellow (without comments):

//clear compiler
php compiler.php clear
//disable compiler
php compiler.php disable

It is most likely that this will fix your problem. If not, keep digging 🙂

Hope it helps.

WHMCS – can’t add new tld to domains

I found this odd issue with WHMCS billing platform. I wanted to add new tld to our domain pricing list, but when I clicked on Save Changes I’ll get notice that tld was added, but it wasn’t on domain list.

Just add/edit this in your php configuration – php.ini (default value is 1000):

max_input_vars = 5000

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