cPanel – Roundcube error – “Error: Server Error(OK)”

One of the email accounts suddenly experienced trouble when searching in Roundcube. After a while, error occurred to user: “Error: Server Error(OK)”. At first, I thought it was a dovecot index problem, so I regenerated them, but the error was still there. Then I thought that may be IMAP server timeout, but it wasn’t a case, because it worked in mailboxes that were larger than this one.

Inside mail log I saw error below. But the mailbox wasn’t corrupted:

[01-Dec-2022 12:22:38 Earth/Universe] Unexpected condition from IMAP server, closed or corrupt connection to IMAP. Possible mailbox corruption.

This was an error inside Roundcube error log (“/home/username/logs/roundcube/errors”). This error didn’t seemed with issue that was experienced – search error, but cPanel support stated that is related to database corruption.

[01-Dec-2022 12:23:38 Earth/Universe]: <77d0888c> DB Error: [1] no such table: collected_addresses (SQL Query: SELECT * FROM "collected_addresses" WHERE "user_id" = '1' AND "type" = '2' AND ("email" LIKE '') ORDER BY "name" ASC, "email" ASC LIMIT 10) in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_db.php on line 566 (GET /cpsess4226161538/3rdparty/roundcube/index.php?_task=addressbook&_action=photo&

So, I tried to regenerate Roundcube database for this user (and backup old one first, of course):

[root@cpanel ~]# cd /home/username/etc/
[root@cpanel]# mv user.emailaddress.rcube.db user.emailaddress.rcube.db.backup

Then, just login into Roundcube again and, a new db file should be generated. This sorted out the issue with search functionality.

Limit number of email recipients with Roundcube

I had an issue with one of the mail servers on which one user’s account password was stolen and was sending spam. Spam was sent from Roundcube and there was a very large number of recipients in one email. Limit the number of recipients in Postfix was not an option. It had to be done on webmail. It is very simple with Roundcube. Just add variable bellow in your Roundcube configuration file –

$config['max_recipients'] = 10;

This will allow only 10 recipients in one email message. Of course you can change the number according to your needs.

Make single Roundcube instance use multi different databases

I had to configure webmail service with Roundcube which would allow connecting multi mail servers o one platform. Every mail server had it’s own Roundcube instance already, but idea was, that only one installation can handle all mail servers.

I found out, that this can be done pretty symple with some php in roundcube configuration.

Open your roundcube configuration file, for example:

vi /var/www/roundcube/config/

Fetch correct hostname for specific webmail instance in php variable.

$host = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];

Then you should create switch statement that will be able to manage correct database connection and host for specific server name – mail service. You can also have different types of database. For example mysql and postgres.

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RoundCube: Could not save new password. Connection error. Recv failure: Connection reset by peer

If you’re having trouble when try to change your email password in Roundcube on your Directadmin installation, than error will be probably something like this:

Could not save new password. Connection error. Recv failure: Connection reset by peer

Solution is simple. Just open Roundcube configuration file (/var/www/html/roundcube/plugins/password/ and find:

$rcmail_config['password_directadmin_host'] = 'tls://localhost';

then, change it to:

$rcmail_config['password_directadmin_host'] = 'ssl://localhost';

It should work.

cPanel Webmail: internal server error 500 user is over quota cpanel

This user cpanel account reached disk quota limit and mail stopped working. User deleted about 4G of emails and released some disk space. Problem was that he still wasn’t able to login to webmail. This error was shown:

internal server error 500 user is over quota cpanel

It didn’t make sense since he released his disk space. Cpanels quota was showing new value, but login to webmail was still impossible.

What you have to do is remove cpanels overquota file manually. Let’s say that user user4 is having issue described above.

root@cpanel [~]# cd /var/cpanel/overquota/
root@cpanel [/var/cpanel/overquota]# ls
./  ../  user1  user2  user3  user4 
root@cpanel [/var/cpanel/overquota]# rm user4

After I deleted /var/cpanel/overquota/user4, webmail was started to working again.

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