Replacing string from variable with sed: unknown option to `s’

Sed is great command to use. I was writing some bash script and I needed to replace some strings in file with string saved in variable.

sed “s/string1/$string2/g; s/string3/$string4/g”  $CFGFILE

When executed, script was returning this error:

[root@vincentvega]# ./myscript
sed: -e expression #1, char 14: unknown option to `s'

After googling around for a while I figured out that / was causing the problem. So I replaced / with | and now works fine. I think that you can also use some other char than | if you want.

sed “s|string1|$string2|g; s|string3|$string4|g”  $CFGFILE

Mass email migration with imapsync

You may want to migrate larger number of email accounts to another server. If there are even different types of mail servers, than imapsync is one of the best solutions for migration. With script below, you’ll be able to migrate multi accounts without repeating and running imapsync again and again.

Here is the script. Just create file, e.g., and paste code below in it.


# Source and destination mail server setting

# Select appropriate auth mechanism.
#AUTHMECH1="--authmech1 LOGIN"
#AUTHMECH2="--authmech2 LOGIN"

# Uncomment if you want to start test/dryrun only. No emails will be transfered!

# Path to imapsync

# Users file
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "No users text file given." 

if [ ! -f "$1" ]
echo "Given users text file \"$1\" does not exist" 

# start loop
{ while IFS=';' read  u1 p1 u2 p2; do
	$imapsync ${TESTONLY} ${AUTHMECH1} --host1 ${SERVER1} --user1 "$u1" --password1 "$p1" ${AUTHMECH2} --host2 ${SERVER2} --user2 "$u2" --password2 "$p2"
done ; } < $1

Don’t forget to chmod your script so that will be executable.

chmod +x

Now you’ll have to create a simple text file that will contain login informations for each email account that you want to transfer. Create text file, for example, mail-users.txt and add login informations like shown bellow. Login informations must be separated with ;. username1 is username on old server, username2 is username on new server.;password1;username2;password2;password1;;password2

Finaly, lets transfer emails. Simply run your script like shown below. Use text file with login informations that you created. Imapsync will try to transfer all accounts that are in mail-users.txt.

root@myserver [~]# ./ mail-users.txt

Directadmin – enable and configure Spamassassin automatically when adding user

By default, when you add new user in Directadmin, Spamassassin is disabled. Some users may not know about Spamassassin, so they’ll have it disabled and will receiving a lot of spam. So it may be good practice to enable Spamassassin by default. You can do that by adding below code in your /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/custom/ script. The first step is well described on Directadmin sites. But you may also want to define some parameters for Spamassassin “on the fly”. You can do that by manipulating filter.conf file.
In this example I want that on user creation:

  1. spam goes to appropriate users spam folder,
  2. I don’t want to delete high scoring spam,
  3. I want to rewrite subject of spam email with *****SPAM*****.

Just add below code in your script. And remove script comments (##).

## We enable Spamassassin, create needed files and give them appropriate permissions
if [ “$spam” = “ON” ]; then
mkdir $DIR
touch $DIR/user_prefs
chown ${username}:mail $DIR
chmod 771 $DIR
chown $username:$username $DIR/user_prefs
chmod 755 $DIR/user_prefs
touch $DIR/spam
chown mail:$username $DIR/spam
chmod 660 $DIR/spam

## Here we define some variables for Spamassassin by adding some lines to filter.conf
echo “high_score=15” >> /etc/virtual/$domain/filter.conf
echo “high_score_block=no” >> /etc/virtual/$domain/filter.conf
echo “where=userspamfolder” >> /etc/virtual/$domain/filter.conf
echo “rewrite_header subject *****SPAM*****” >> /home/$username/.spamassassin/user_prefs

## Adding operation in task queue
echo “action=rewrite&value=filter&user=$username” >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
exit 0;

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