YUM: Error: Network error: Connection reset by peer

If you get this error message when trying to install packages via yum package manager, than just execute command bellow and it should fix your problem.

yum clean expire-cache

malware acl condition: clamd: unable to send file body to socket (

If you see error like this in your mail logs, than chances are that your ClamAV is not able to process attachments files larger than limit set in clamav configuration. In this case, sender which sent email with larger attachment to your server, will get something like this in respond:

[] #<[] #5.0.0 smtp; 5.4.7 - Delivery expired (message too old) [Default] 451-'Temporary local problem - please try later' (delivery attempts: 75)> #SMTP#

In your mail log you’ll see something like this:

+++ 1e248B-000NMy-T6 has not completed +++
1969-08-15 01:40:21 1e248B-000NMy-T6 malware acl condition: clamd : unable to send file body to socket (
1969-08-25 01:40:21 1e248B-000NMy-T6 H=some.hostname.com [] X=TLSv1:RC4-SHA:128 CV=no F=<prvs=449d2f142=senders@email.com> temporarily rejected after DATA

To solve this, open your clamav.conf file (/etc/clamav.conf or find your location) and change value for StreamMaxLength according to your needs. Default value is 25M.

Don’t forget to restart your ClamAV.

Find and replace whitespaces from your filename

If your files contain whitespaces in their names, it can sometimes be a real pain. Expressly if you are on Linux or Unix systems. I had some problems when running rsync for backup my files. Files with whitespace were causing problems. So bellow is simple command that will remove all whitespace and replace them with “_”. You can change to any symbol that you like. I example bellow, I was searching for all jpg files.

find . -type f -name "* *.jpg" -exec bash -c 'mv "$0" "${0// /_}"' {} \;

Replacing string from variable with sed: unknown option to `s’

Sed is great command to use. I was writing some bash script and I needed to replace some strings in file with string saved in variable.

sed “s/string1/$string2/g; s/string3/$string4/g”  $CFGFILE

When executed, script was returning this error:

[root@vincentvega]# ./myscript
sed: -e expression #1, char 14: unknown option to `s'

After googling around for a while I figured out that / was causing the problem. So I replaced / with | and now works fine. I think that you can also use some other char than | if you want.

sed “s|string1|$string2|g; s|string3|$string4|g”  $CFGFILE

Directadmin – auto block IP with firewall on FreeBSD

I wanted to block IP adressess which Directadmin recognized as source of brute force attacks. There is documentation about this for Linux and FreeBSD. I’m using PF as firewall on my system and not IPFW. There is only documentation how to create this with IPFW. So here is a little tweak and IP’s are blocked with PF automatically. Here is how:

In /etc/pf.conf create new table spammers that will persist on file /etc/spammers.

table  persist file “/etc/spammers”

Create block rule so that IP addresses from spammers table will be blocked. Ifext is my network card so change this to your needs.

block drop in quick on $ifext from  to any

In /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/custom/ create new script block_ip.sh and add code below.

echo “Blocking $ip with pf …
pfctl -t spammers -T add $ip
echo $ip >> /etc/spammers
exit $?

As you can see we are using command pfctl -t spammers -T add $ip which is PF syntax. When IP will be recorded it will be immediately added to table spammers and file /etc/spammers that we’ll create in next step. When pf restarts, rule is deleted from ram. But in this case IP is also stored in file /etc/spammers so it will be loaded in spammers table.

Create file /etc/spammers and save it. Thats were blocked IP’s will save.
This script must be manualy started from Directadmin administration. We can make it to run automatically. In /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/custom/ create another script named brute_force_notice_ip.sh. As specified in directadmin documentation you do that like so:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/custom
wget http://files.directadmin.com/services/all/brute_force_notice_ip.sh
chmod 700 brute_force_notice_ip.sh

IP’s that are listed as source of brute force attacks will now be automaticly blocked with PF.

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